As Sonshine may very well represent the first exposure for many of the children to school, we focus on developing a sense of themselves as learners, as they adjust to classroom routines, negotiate interactions with peers and work on skills to prepare them for future school success. The age range of the children is one which experiences a rapid growth in language and motor skills.

Our curriculum is designed to help your child develop an appreciation of his/her uniqueness and a sense of wonder concerning the world God has created.
In developmentally appropriate ways, your child is introduced to kindergarten readiness skills in language, math, reading, and science.
Our setting provides a warm and caring environment where children are helped to develop skills needed to interact with others in positive ways.
Research consistently indicates that good social skills are correlated not only to better adjustment to school routines but also to positive overall school experiences with teachers and peers.

Nursery School
Sonshine Nursery School classes take place from 9:15am - 11:45am for parents who wish their child to take part in a school setting.
Children do not need to be enrolled in day care to be part of our nursery program.

Before and After School Care
Children who consistently need care before or after nursery school hours should be enrolled in Sonshine Day Care.
This program is designed for the working mother/father who finds herself/himself needing more hours of care.
The Day Care Center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, Monday to Friday.
No weekend care is available.