Sonshine Community Nursery & Day Care
A. Reopening Plan 2020-2021
• All staff - Health questionnaire required & temperature check daily
• Face coverings will be required for all staff and readily available if they should happen to need one
• Limit adult person-to-person contact entering our facility with the exception of financial transactions/disputes
• To reduce the person-to-person contact entering our building we will be implementing Automatic Debit Payments for Nursery and Day Care Tuition Payments
• Temperature check will be administered if Parent must enter and cannot enter without face covering
• Parents will exit through a different door if they must enter our facility
• Appropriate arrows will be placed on the floor as to the flow of any foot traffic and proper physical distancing.
B. Arrival Protocols
• Parents will drop-off their child at the front entrance of the church
• Staff will be at the door to receive their child as well as administer temperature check of each child upon arrival
• Pre-school children are not required to wear a face covering as per our local & state government reopening protocols
• Students will wear face covering as per parent instruction
• Once the child is received, they will be escorted to their classroom
C. Classroom Protocols
• Class size is limited to 15 per room
• Staff will maintain physical distance as much as possible, but not necessary due to face covering.
• Each student will have a bin which will contain all their belongs (e.g. toys, clothes, bedding, writing utensils)
• All student belongings will be cleaned and disinfected before and after each use
• Frequent handwashing and sanitizing will occur throughout the day
D. Classroom Instruction
• Classes are limited to 15 children per room
• Children will be physically distanced on rug for class lessons
E. Snack/Lunch Time Protocols
• Students will sit at table with an empty seat in between each student
• Barriers will be used if we are unable to appropriately seat children 6 ft. apart.
• Hand washing will be done before and after snack and lunch
• All tables/chairs will be cleaned and disinfected before and
after each use
F. Playground Protocols
• All playground equipment will be disinfected before & after use
• All handles and knobs will be disinfected
G. Nap time Protocols
• Each child will be provided with their own cot
• Sheets and blankets will be provided
• Cots will be sanitized before and after each use
• Sheets and blankets will be washed after each use
• Students will remove face covering during nap time
H. Dismissal Protocols
• Parents will buzz in and their child will be brought to them at the entrance of the facility
I. Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)
• We will have on hand extra masks
• Gloves will be placed in each classroom
• Hand sanitizer will be placed in each classroom, entrance and exit points and in our office.
• Disinfection Logs will be placed in each classroom
• Disinfectant wipes and sprays will be in each classroom and our office
• Throughout the day doorknobs, light switches, counter tops, microwave, paintbrushes, bathroom surfaces, tables, chairs, toys, and frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned/disinfected.
J. Communication Plan
• Parents will be emailed to notify of any changes in our protocols
• Staff will be emailed our Reopening Plan and will be trained on our precautions and policy implementation
• Staff will be trained on how to support children’s development of good public and individual health behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19
• All COVID-19 concerns will be handled by the school director/teachers.
• Proper signage will be posted inside and outside of the facility to remind individuals to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate PPE use, and cleaning and disinfection protocols
K. Screening Protocols
• Student or staff that have a temperature of 100 degrees upon arrival will be immediately sent home
• Students that are symptomatic during school hours will be immediately separated from other children
• Students will be placed in our designated isolation room until parent arrives for dismissal
• Parents will be instructed to bring their child to be seen by a health care provider.
• Student will be delivered to the parent at the entrance point and not be allowed to enter the facility
• Staff that is symptomatic will immediately leave the facility
• Parents will be notified of staff or student testing positive for COVID-19
• Sonshine Community is responsible to notify the state and local health department to report the case.
L. Returning Students & Staff
• A 14 day quarantine should be completed before returning to school
• Staff & student need to be symptom free for 14 days before they can return to school
• A doctors note will be required to return to school stating your child or staff is symptom free
M. Air Filtration and Building Systems
• We have add an Air Purification/Filtration system to decrease the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
• Improve central air filtration to the MERV-13 or the highest compatible with the filter rack, and seal edges of the filter to limit bypass.